Build Your Team

Simple mobile app that allows one to create your team, add logo and players with position and numbers.

Matches Calendar

Create, generate, edit and control your league and tournament calendar schedules.

Connect to League

Automatically connect and sync to your local league via invite code.
Organize Leagues

Matches Calendar & Team Statistics

Access at any time your Team statistics and manage your players.

Most Powerfull
Features in One Place

Kit Builder

Fully customize your team equipment from a variety of plently of models.

Add Score & Cards

Keep track of scoring of all your matches and easily add goals and cards.

News & Messages

Publish news and keep track of your inbox messages and league notifications.

Connect to League

Automatically connect and sync to your local league via invite code.

Track Statistics

Access at any time your League & Team statistics in order to keep track of everything.

League Calendar

Instant calendar scheduler that help you organize your league better & faster.
Football league management app
Easy-To-Use mobile app

Create, Manage &
Control Your Team

Easily create and customize your team, add logo and manage players.